Thursday, May 5, 2011

Corner Man

Corner Man--At the junction of the ropes (a corner of the ring) where a boxer rests between rounds his second, the corner man advises him, gives him water, tries to reduce swelling and stop bleeding.

Who do you want in your corner?
I choose the courageous over the careful
the discerning over the proud...
I choose those who depend on Jesus before they depend on prophecy or what friends say.
Who choose what God wants over what they want.

If I am in a ring, If I were in fight,
I would want in my corner...
a team who will tell me where I am wrong and what I can improve, who were observant of all that occured and can prep me with what worked and what didn't...
a team who will rub my musscles unaware of my sweat.
I would trust a corner man who believes in me, who coaches me
If I were ever to find myself in the ring.

I apply this to life because in following Jesus, everyday can be a battle.
In my corner, there will not be people who are just going to tell me what they think I want to hear or people that have their own agenda or think that they are by default any better than I am or that I am better than them. They will not be those who make assumptions and judgement calls based on hueretics.
I want to learn and grow and live by the Spirit. I want to trust in the gifts that the Lord has given me. Through every storm I want that trust to be a strong house built on a rock.
How I could sometimes wish God didn't make us so darn relational, but he did. It is up to us to be careful what we do, and don't do, with that.
Who has God appointed to be in our corners, not because it is easy, fun, a good social networking move, or even convenient?
As I pray for my team, as well as who's corner God wants me in... I have made a very certain decision who my Corner Man is in my life...take a wild guess :)