Monday, August 22, 2011

learning little by little

My dedication is to Christ. Amazing things happen when we surrender to Him. I seek Him and am assured that He knows what He is doing and there is perfect reason and perfect timing in His perfect purpose. I only have to trust Him. All that brings me down is makng my trust in Him stronger.I love the ones who bring me down for this very reason. What was breaking me heart before has all become the perfect lessons! As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend (Prov. 27:17)...have you ever worked with metal? Have you ever forged or grinded or polished metal...I have, I did it for a small number of years... Iron is a ridiculously strong metal. It is not an easy material to work with. Working with it is hot and loud and dangerous and hard core. God Bless YOU who is iron to me, most likely without even knowing it... because God knows I need it, always. and though while He has been blessing me with what I need I have been complaining to Him of the pain. Foolishness! I am rejoicing tonight He is so awesome. Thank you to open my eyes!

I have been learning to trust Him. It doesn't always seem to be like the most logical thing, or the most pleasant experience. But complaints are like prayers to a false god. Things bomb? give Him praise, there was probably good reason. Maybe He is working out something in someone else, maybe He is working out something in my own heart; maybe it's both. He is in control of it all and He knows so much better than we can imagine. I repeat (for my own reminder) IMAGINE. Because if I can imagine the end result I am looking for it is probably still coming from my own desire. Why settle for what's good when we can work for God's best. He hears our prayers. He knows the desires of our hearts. What is bad now just may be his promise in the making. I know He is incredibly enough working out things in me and I am so humbled by just how ridiculous and ignorant I can be! This is all a work in progress. I am so thankful that tonight I have learned something so amazing about love.

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